Website Audits

homepage audit

What's included:

The #1 visited page on your website is your homepage. Over 95% of your website traffic spends time here. Your homepage is where you convert visitors into paying customers. You need to capture their attention and serve them so well they fall in love with you and run to hire you! 


  • Brand Questionnaire so we can give you custom feedback that applies to your goals, target audience, and brand. 
  • 20-minute loom video with in-depth feedback on your copy, structure, design, and suggestions for converting your visitors. 


your website is the most valuable marketing tool in your business. let's make sure it's doing its job.
converting traffic into money! 

homepage audit

What's included:

The #1 visited page on your website is your homepage. Over 95% of your website traffic spends time here. Your homepage is where you convert visitors into paying customers. You need to capture their attention and serve them so well they fall in love with you and run to hire you! 


  • Brand Questionnaire so we can give you custom feedback that applies to your goals, target audience, and brand. 

  • 20-minute loom video with in-depth feedback on your copy, structure, design, and suggestions for converting your visitors. 


Your website is the most valuable marketing tool in your business. Let's make sure it's doing its job. Converting traffic into money! 

additional pages

What's included:

While your homepage is the most visited, you won't convert them into actual paying customers if you leave them hanging once they follow your Call to Actions. Get your website right with individual audits! 


  • 15-minute loom video with in-depth feedback on your copy, structure, design and suggestions for converting your visitors. 


full website audit

What's included:

You're ready for your beautiful website to attract and convert your ideal customers. This Audit will take a full deep dive into your website's design, structure, and copy. If you want to see why your website traffic sucks or your bounce rate is too high, I got you! 


  • Deep Dive Brand Questionnaire: We want to hit the mark on converting your website traffic! 
  • Audit up to 5 web pages, including your homepage
  • 45-minute loom video with in-depth feedback on your copy, structure, design, and suggests for converting your visitors. 


additional pages

What's included:

While your homepage is the most visited, you won't convert them into actual paying customers if you leave them hanging once they follow your Call to Actions. Get your website right with individual audits! 


  • 15-minute loom video with in-depth feedback on your copy, structure, design and suggestions for converting your visitors. 


full website audit 

What's included:

You're ready for your beautiful website to attract and convert your ideal customers. This Audit will take a full deep dive into your website's design, structure, and copy. If you want to see why your website traffic sucks or your bounce rate is too high, I got you! 


  • Deep Dive Brand Questionnaire: We want to hit the mark on converting your website traffic! 
  • Audit up to 5 web pages, including your homepage
  • 45-minute loom video with in-depth feedback on your copy, structure, design, and suggests for converting your visitors. 


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